Sun, 24 July 2022
Loehe and the Future Church
Craig L. Nessan, Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque
Mon, 25 July 2022
bother with dusting off and updating Deinzer?
Reflections on Writing a New Biography of Loehe
John Stephenson, Concordia Seminary, Ontario/Canada
about himself:
Where did Loehe see the Essential in his Foundations?
Rudolf Keller, University of Regensburg, Ansbach/Germany
Dogmengeschichte und Dogmenentwicklung:
Löhe’s Posture Towards Nineteenth-Century Theological Trends
James Ambrose Lee II, Concordia University, Chicago/Illinois
Missionary Ecclesiology:
Loehe’s Contribution to Contemporary Discussions on the missio
K. Detlev Schulz, Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne/Indiana
Legacy and Borderless Solidarity:
Destigmatizing Immigrants in a Xenophobic Nation
Man Hei Yip, Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque
Tue, 26 July 2022
Wilhelm Löhe’s Doctrine of the Office of the Ministry
in Historical and Contemporary Perspective
Steven J. Pietsch, Australian Lutheran College, Adelaide/Australia
Wilhelm Loehe, Georg Grossmann, Wartburg College, and the Iowa Synod
Terry Lindell, Wartburg College
the 19th century Deaconess Institute to the Diaconical Enterprise in the 21st century: Diaconal work in Neuendettelsau through the ages
Mathias Hartmann, Diakoneo, Neuendettelsau/Germany
on Bended Knee, Serving on Tiptoe:
The History and Future of the Diaconal Movement in the United States
Jenny Wiley Legath, Princeton University, New Jersey
Wed, 27 July 2022
Liturgical Legacy:
Imagination for Identity and Mission Then and Now
Thomas H. Schattauer, Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque
Liturgy, and Lives Mattering
Jan Schnell, Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque